Typically, Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS personnel can agree on this one thing, every single time.
Exigent circumstances require an effectual, rapid response which, in turn, demands that first responders are equipped with public-safety quality, maximum durability communications technology. Without it, lives, property, and peace of mind are at stake.
Public-Safety communication is unique in its requirements, including, but not limited to the following:
- Radio survivability in harsh conditions and environments
- System Redundancy
- In-building penetration
- Easy to use jurisdictional and cross-jurisdiction communication
- A trusted and reliable communications solution that frees the user to focus on their mission.
- Dispatch tools that enable improved response time and consistent, failsafe reliability.
- Data and cross-platform integration
Your radios, mobile data terminals and the systems on which these operate – P25, NC VIPER, Simulcast, VHF & UHF, Digital Radio and PSAP systems — is an integral part in the fulfillment of each public-safety officer’s job, from performing daily tasks to having the assurance that when seconds count, with one press on a button, help is on the way!
The crux is this: First responders need communications that work, and a technical partner who safeguards this need. With over 75 years of combined communications experience and long-standing relationships with public safety, Mobile Communications Inc. has your back.
Our understanding of the unique needs and requirements of Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS Departments, Public-Safety Communications Centers and the responsibilities of personnel in these departments is foundational, and we strive to improve and build-upon that foundation, each day, starting with listening to you!