Tired of your weak cellular or radio service, roaming your office or a building to find a signal, stepping outside into the weather to make or receive a call, and dropped calls on the road? If you can’t receive a strong signal, you simply can’t communicate effectively.
Cellular and public-safety systems build out their wireless networks to provide wide-area coverage, which tends to be more concentric to populated areas. However unfortunate for the end-user, in-building signal penetration, depressed or sunken topography and rural, low density areas of population many times draw the short-straw in these build outs. Still, staying connected is of highest importance in this electronic age; cellular phones replacing land line phones at a break-neck pace and public-safety communications being critical in nature.
Mobile Communications Inc. has successfully provided in-building and mobile wireless coverage to hospitals, schools, public-safety, warehouses, office buildings, fleets and more. We provide a turnkey solution to meet your company’s unique needs. Through every stage, Mobile Communications Inc. manages and facilitates the process:
- Collecting all necessary data
- Providing a custom-designed solution
- Professional installation, testing and system certification
- Post installation support and maintenance to ensure satisfaction for the life of your system.
Mobile Communications Inc. is ever evolving to parallel the always changing environments of wireless signal amplification so that we may recommend the right turnkey solution for you, today.